What is the name of the bacteria used to make yogurt?
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How other players answered:
  • Bacillus (60.2%)

  • Salmonella (2.8%)

  • Vibrio (5.9%)

  • Streptococcus (31.1%)


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Bacteria such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subs. Bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles are used in the production of yogurt. Although less common, other bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are sometimes added after culturing the yogurt. In order to produce yogurt, milk must be heated to about 85 degrees Celsius to denature the milk proteins to avoid curd formation. The milk is then allowed to cool to about 45 degrees Celsius, where the bacterial culture is added and mixed in. This is left for 4 to 12 hours for fermentation to occur—the higher temperature speed up the fermentation process.